
Strengthening our bond with money

strengthening our bond with money - money meditation school

Money Meditation

November 24, 2023

When we were young, we used to get happy with little sum of money because that’s enough for us to buy chocolates. Now that we have grown up, so did our needs and desires. We don’t get as much happy with chocolates as we would if we buy something more expensive or useful. That doesn’t mean money changed. It never does. It’s not something that as such exists which would revolutionize itself with time. We change it as per our needs.

It is said that money is a concept and a mindset. I would completely agree with this statement as there is nothing on this planet that is not built to cater our needs. We are human beings and every time we do a certain task; we have a motive for it.

The person who has 2 Lakh rupees can spend it on luxuries and the other person with same amount of money will invest it. Both the acts make a huge difference and shows the mindset of an individual.

Money is what we treat it as. If you will value money, money will value you back. Money demands attention and respect just like any other individual. To have a better connection with people, we try to understand them, right? The same is with money. We need to understand WHO money is and what we want from money. Then only will we be able to respect it the way it deserves to be respected.

Beliefs and thoughts have powers to achieve the impossible tasks known to human kind but are they enough?

Just thinking that changing of beliefs and changing of our thought patterns are not enough.

We must put efforts as well. To make a cycle run, we don’t just keep our faith over it that the cycle is going to work and it has the potential. Of course it does. But is having belief and a positive mindset enough? No. Because you are to take action for it as well. You have to peddle the cycle or drag it whatever to make it move. It won’t move on its own. Similarly, just by having change of belief system, you won’t change automatically. You have to implement things.

Let’s take an example for this: you want to study and score good. You have all the positive thoughts that you will wake up early in the morning and will make a schedule of what you’re going to revise whole day and will work upon it but there’s a catch. You don’t. You just think about it but you put zero efforts. Is that how you’ll be able to grow? If you want to manifest something, only change in belief is not enough. You have to put hard work as well.

It is said that if we give ourselves 100 days, we can achieve anything. You want to lose weight? Workout for 100 days and you’ll automatically develop a habit and will see commendable changes. You want to develop habit of reading? Read 20 pages per day for 100 days and you will learn so much about this world that is yet to be known by others. You will become a Superhuman. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. But is hard work only required to achieve all this? The answer is NO.

There is no hard work,

There is no smart work,

There is only proper work.

If people working in mines would be getting all the gold for hardworking, they’d be millionaires. If people only working smartly would be commencing their tasks, money would be their best friend. Only people who know the balance and importance of both becomes the ultimate money magnet. He knows the power he carries within himself and the capability he has. So what’s stopping an individual from achieving all that he desires? The answer is just in one word. Procrastination.

the habit of putting success onto tomorrow is one of the biggest challenges people pursuing self-growth have to overcome.

We have a lot of tasks that we can get rid of if we just do them in the next five minutes but our mind always tells us that hey it’s okay to relax it’s just for a while take a break and what not. What we do is we end up falling into its trap and becoming its prey. Isn’t that what our brain wanted? It tested us and we failed. If you will keep on procrastinating things, success won’t knock your door twice. Always remember this.

Don’t be the one who is in control of his mind. Be the one who controls his mind. And the only way to do that is to meditate. Meditation connects us with our inner selves making us understand things about ourselves Better and helping us grow. Not only that, meditation is great when it comes to money manifestation.

To sum up everything, I want you to know that the only way to have a money mindset is to do proper work and have our brain in our control. Only positive beliefs won’t make us achieve things. Rome wasn’t built in a day just by having change in belief. People put efforts to build it. Perhaps some manifested as well. So make sure to do your part of money meditation.

we welcome you to join our money magnet challenge!! to strengthening your bond with money.

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