Money Meditation School Become Money Magnet Mon, 08 Jan 2024 10:30:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Money Meditation School 32 32 Journey From Scarcity To Abundance Mon, 08 Jan 2024 10:29:57 +0000 The post Journey From Scarcity To Abundance appeared first on Money Meditation School.


In a world that revolves around people suffering from financial problems and having a scarcity mindset, the very concept of shifting from scarcity to abundance might be a difficult task, right? Well, not anymore. Now that we have money meditation, it helps us from a psychological aspect to fix our relationship with money and develop a sense of understanding towards the very topic of abundance.

Money meditation is not about just getting wealth by various means but also inclining towards encouraging a mindset that recognizes abundance in our lives. The first step includes understanding where we stand financially. It is very important to be non-judgmental toward ourselves. While performing money meditation, the individuals learn to observe their sentiments related to money without feeling it in a negative manner or giving it negative tags. Just like a person wouldn’t stay with you if you constantly gave them negative labels, money wouldn’t either. Money demands to be respected. When you are being non-judgmental, you open a way to a rather positive mindset.

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Money meditation accentuates how vital mindful spending is. When you understand the value of mindful spending, you stop spending money on unnecessary things, further boosting your financial health.

Societal conditioning often sets our mindset to how it is. Being aware of money-related matters makes an individual a little too money-minded, according to society. The same society won’t help an individual suffering from a financial crisis. Money meditation is a holy grail to break such a pattern. Not only does it make a person’s limited beliefs expand and widen, but it also lets them know the value of finances and how they don’t have to fit into the traditional societal norms to be accepted. Everyone has their own values, and they sometimes don’t align with others. As long as it helps them achieve their goals, that’s what matters.

While practicing money meditation, affirmations come in handy. They help in rewiring the subconscious mind of an individual by replacing the beliefs that are limiting with positive thinking about financial abundance.

In conclusion, the psychological journey from scarcity to abundance throughout money Meditation is truly a transformative approach to an individual’s relationship with money. They break free from the scarcity mindset and enter the world of abundance. Once they are consistent with money meditation, they can reshape their financial reality.

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Financial Abundance: A Transformative Journey to Prosperity Sat, 06 Jan 2024 18:38:46 +0000 The post Financial Abundance: A Transformative Journey to Prosperity appeared first on Money Meditation School.


In a world filled with challenges, the pursuit of financial freedom remains a universal aspiration. “Unlocking Abundance,” a groundbreaking book born out of passion and love, invites readers on a transformative journey to unravel the secrets of prosperity and achieve unparalleled success.

The genesis of this labor of love can be traced back to a pivotal period known as the lockdown, during which the author’s online academy, Lyfestyle Academy, provided invaluable support through tools and techniques for well-being. The book’s cornerstone is a 24-day money abundance meditation journey that yielded remarkable results, revealing the transformative power of money meditation. Encouraged by this success, the author shares excerpts from additional challenges, offering readers a glimpse into the potential abundance awaiting them.


As readers delve into the chapters, they are guided through a profound exploration of money abundance, blending personal upbringing and experiences with the science and magic of attracting financial flows through the power of mindset. The revelation is clear: mindset forms the foundation of an entire life, emphasizing the need to cultivate an abundance mindset from within.

The book’s mission expands to become a guiding light for individuals seeking to embrace an abundance mindset, especially concerning money. Recognizing the pivotal role money plays in defining well-being and societal status, the author believes that a conscious understanding of money can lead society to thrive on abundance.

we welcome you to check our e-book!! Buy the book now to flow of money change in a good way and prosperity comes to you.

Structured into thought-provoking chapters, the book imparts fundamental principles of abundance and the science of money, catering to aspiring entrepreneurs and those yearning for financial freedom. Each chapter holds a key to subconscious shifts, allowing readers to manifest the abundance of money in their lives.

Dedicated to all souls seeking comfort with the concept of money and desiring financial abundance, the book beckons readers on a spiritual journey of self-discovery and transformation. It transcends limitations imposed by circumstances and societal norms, offering a roadmap to unleash the untapped potential within, leading to a life of prosperity and abundance.

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The Peril of Disappointment: Bouncing Back and Finding Inner Strength Mon, 18 Dec 2023 17:36:39 +0000 The post The Peril of Disappointment: Bouncing Back and Finding Inner Strength appeared first on Money Meditation School.


In the pursuit of our goals, disappointment can be a formidable adversary. The journey is often marked by setbacks and failures, and the feeling of not achieving our aspirations can be disheartening. It’s crucial to recognize that disappointment is not just a fleeting emotion; it can be a dangerous obstacle if left unaddressed.

Consider the story of a resilient young boy who, after facing repeated failures, discovered success when he stopped obsessively chasing it. Instead, he focused on making small, daily improvements, committing to a 1% enhancement in himself each day. This shift in perspective underscores the importance of resilience and perseverance. Success often finds those who, amidst disappointment, redirect their efforts toward continuous improvement and personal growth.

To navigate the pitfalls of disappointment, one must bounce back from setbacks. Setting realistic goals is essential; it’s about progress, not just outcomes. Embracing the journey and learning from failures are crucial steps. Behavioral changes, like incorporating positive habits and surrounding oneself with positive influences, play a pivotal role in cultivating a success mindset.

Meditation techniques provide a powerful tool for delving deep within oneself. Practicing mindfulness allows individuals to accept setbacks, manage stress, and redirect their focus towards growth. Meditation acts as a beacon of resilience, breaking the cycle of disappointment and fostering a positive mindset.

In conclusion, disappointment is perilous if not addressed effectively. Bouncing back from setbacks and looking deep within ourselves with meditation techniques are integral aspects of overcoming disappointment. Success is not solely about external achievements but also about internal growth and embracing the journey. By recognizing the dangers of disappointment, committing to continuous improvement, and cultivating resilience through meditation, one can transform setbacks into stepping stones on the path to a fulfilling life.

we welcome you to our money meditation challenge!! to flow of money change in a good way and prosperity comes to you.

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Unlocking Success: A Stress-Free Approach to Achieve Financial Freedom Sat, 16 Dec 2023 06:53:09 +0000 The post Unlocking Success: A Stress-Free Approach to Achieve Financial Freedom appeared first on Money Meditation School.


In today’s fast-paced world, stress often takes center stage, making it difficult to draw our brains’ attention in a biological way. However, overcoming procrastination and laziness requires a conscious effort to reshape our mindset and break free from the social rut that traps us.

Many people fall into the feared-driven approach, thinking that punishing oneself or putting in exhausting extra hours of work will lead to success. Contrary to this belief, a more effective strategy exists for achieving financial freedom and a happy life without constant toil. It involves a mindset realignment, understanding that more work doesn’t necessarily equal more money.

The key is to establish a proportional relationship between time and money. Instead of overworking, focus on optimizing your time and efforts. The concept that money is equal to time is essential. Embrace the idea that time is a valuable resource, and proportional efforts can yield significant financial gains.

For those overwhelmed by tasks and struggling under pressure, it’s crucial to break free from the stress-inducing cycle. The Money Magnet program offers a unique solution, combining meditation and affirmations to attract fortunes effortlessly. By practicing being free from the anxiety of financial constraints, individuals can cultivate a positive mindset and gradually manifest financial success.

Remember, being a money magnet doesn’t mean sacrificing your well-being. It’s about adopting a stress-free approach that aligns with your biological makeup. Reclaim your life, overcome procrastination, and embrace a mindset that propels you toward financial freedom.

we welcome you to our money affirmation gym challenge!! to unlcking success: A stress-free approach to achieve financial freedom

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What is the power of saying no and how does it help an individual in achieving their goals? Thu, 14 Dec 2023 18:59:51 +0000 The post What is the power of saying no and how does it help an individual in achieving their goals? appeared first on Money Meditation School.


We all hear the quote, “Say no to things you’re not comfortable doing.” But is it that easy to say no? No is just a word, right? But the power it holds is immense. Saying no might look like a task easy to achieve, but the wonders it does are tremendous.

Things often overwhelm us because we put our mind on a pedestal. In such situations, saying no helps us sort amazing ideas and achievements, preventing them from overwhelming us.

Our strongest weapon lies in saying no and realizing that once we learn the art of saying no, we are already close to achieving success.

But there’s a catch. While paving a path for ourselves to succeed, we often get distracted and lose our way. There are so many hurdles in the way of success, and the only way we can achieve it is by learning to say no to things we don’t need. The power of saying NO helps us focus on what we wish to achieve.

Imagine your biggest goal. Now think of the ways you can achieve it. Make a blueprint. Now imagine the possible distractions and hurdles that might come in your way. Say no right away to them. Imagine a big no next to them. Only when you realize it is in your hands to achieve and lose something, you’ll succeed in life. So embrace the power of saying no.

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Is meditation a science? Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:20:28 +0000 The post Is meditation a science? appeared first on Money Meditation School.


Meditation is a practice that has been studied extensively in scientific research, and numerous studies suggest various physical and mental health benefits associated with regular meditation. While meditation itself is rooted in ancient traditions and philosophy, its effects have been explored through the lens of modern scientific methods. Here are some key points supporting the idea that meditation is a science:

Neuroscientific Evidence:

Brain imaging studies, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalogram (EEG), have shown changes in brain activity associated with meditation. For example, increased gray matter density in certain brain regions related to memory, self-awareness, and compassion.

Physiological Changes:

Scientific research has demonstrated physiological changes during meditation, including a reduced heart rate, lowered blood pressure, and changes in cortisol levels. These changes indicate a measurable impact on the body’s stress response.

Psychological Benefits:

Numerous studies have reported positive effects on mental health, including reductions in symptoms of anxiety, depression, and improvements in overall psychological well-being.

Immune System Enhancement:

Some research suggests that regular meditation may have positive effects on the immune system, potentially enhancing immune function.

Genetic Expression:

Preliminary research indicates that meditation may influence the expression of certain genes related to stress and inflammation, suggesting a potential impact at the molecular level.

Behavioral Observations:

Behavioral studies have explored the impact of meditation on cognitive functions, attention, and emotional regulation. These studies often use controlled experiments and statistical analyses to draw conclusions.

Clinical Applications:

Meditation practices, such as mindfulness-based interventions, are increasingly being integrated into clinical settings to address various health conditions, further supporting the scientific exploration of their efficacy.

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7 major problems faced small business Owners which can be solved by money meditation Thu, 30 Nov 2023 06:38:03 +0000 The post 7 major problems faced small business Owners which can be solved by money meditation appeared first on Money Meditation School.


There are several pain points for individuals or small business owners:

#01-Stress reduction

Money meditation can help reduce financial stress and anxiety, promoting a more focused and clear-headed approach to financial decision-making.

#02-Improved Decision-Making:

Mindfulness practices can enhance one’s ability to make rational and well-thought-out financial decisions, reducing the likelihood of impulsive choices.

#03-Enhanced Productivity:

A calmer and more focused mindset achieved through money meditation can lead to increased productivity, which is crucial for business owners managing various aspects of their operations.

#04-Better Financial Planning:

Mindfulness may improve the ability to plan and budget effectively, ensuring resources are allocated wisely and goals are set with a clear understanding of financial realities.

#05-Relationship with Money:

Money meditation can help foster a healthier relationship with money, reducing fear or attachment and promoting a more balanced and positive mindset towards financial matters.

#06-Increased Resilience:

Building resilience to financial challenges is crucial. Money meditation can contribute to emotional resilience, helping individuals and business owners navigate setbacks more effectively.

#07-Focus on Long-Term Goals:

By fostering a mindful approach, individuals can stay focused on long-term financial goals, rather than being solely driven by short-term gains or losses.

Book a discovery call to discuss about what kind of problems money meditation can solve for you.

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Strengthening our bond with money Fri, 24 Nov 2023 08:13:53 +0000 The post Strengthening our bond with money appeared first on Money Meditation School.


When we were young, we used to get happy with little sum of money because that’s enough for us to buy chocolates. Now that we have grown up, so did our needs and desires. We don’t get as much happy with chocolates as we would if we buy something more expensive or useful. That doesn’t mean money changed. It never does. It’s not something that as such exists which would revolutionize itself with time. We change it as per our needs.

It is said that money is a concept and a mindset. I would completely agree with this statement as there is nothing on this planet that is not built to cater our needs. We are human beings and every time we do a certain task; we have a motive for it.

The person who has 2 Lakh rupees can spend it on luxuries and the other person with same amount of money will invest it. Both the acts make a huge difference and shows the mindset of an individual.

Money is what we treat it as. If you will value money, money will value you back. Money demands attention and respect just like any other individual. To have a better connection with people, we try to understand them, right? The same is with money. We need to understand WHO money is and what we want from money. Then only will we be able to respect it the way it deserves to be respected.

Beliefs and thoughts have powers to achieve the impossible tasks known to human kind but are they enough?

Just thinking that changing of beliefs and changing of our thought patterns are not enough.

We must put efforts as well. To make a cycle run, we don’t just keep our faith over it that the cycle is going to work and it has the potential. Of course it does. But is having belief and a positive mindset enough? No. Because you are to take action for it as well. You have to peddle the cycle or drag it whatever to make it move. It won’t move on its own. Similarly, just by having change of belief system, you won’t change automatically. You have to implement things.

Let’s take an example for this: you want to study and score good. You have all the positive thoughts that you will wake up early in the morning and will make a schedule of what you’re going to revise whole day and will work upon it but there’s a catch. You don’t. You just think about it but you put zero efforts. Is that how you’ll be able to grow? If you want to manifest something, only change in belief is not enough. You have to put hard work as well.

It is said that if we give ourselves 100 days, we can achieve anything. You want to lose weight? Workout for 100 days and you’ll automatically develop a habit and will see commendable changes. You want to develop habit of reading? Read 20 pages per day for 100 days and you will learn so much about this world that is yet to be known by others. You will become a Superhuman. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. But is hard work only required to achieve all this? The answer is NO.

There is no hard work,

There is no smart work,

There is only proper work.

If people working in mines would be getting all the gold for hardworking, they’d be millionaires. If people only working smartly would be commencing their tasks, money would be their best friend. Only people who know the balance and importance of both becomes the ultimate money magnet. He knows the power he carries within himself and the capability he has. So what’s stopping an individual from achieving all that he desires? The answer is just in one word. Procrastination.

the habit of putting success onto tomorrow is one of the biggest challenges people pursuing self-growth have to overcome.

We have a lot of tasks that we can get rid of if we just do them in the next five minutes but our mind always tells us that hey it’s okay to relax it’s just for a while take a break and what not. What we do is we end up falling into its trap and becoming its prey. Isn’t that what our brain wanted? It tested us and we failed. If you will keep on procrastinating things, success won’t knock your door twice. Always remember this.

Don’t be the one who is in control of his mind. Be the one who controls his mind. And the only way to do that is to meditate. Meditation connects us with our inner selves making us understand things about ourselves Better and helping us grow. Not only that, meditation is great when it comes to money manifestation.

To sum up everything, I want you to know that the only way to have a money mindset is to do proper work and have our brain in our control. Only positive beliefs won’t make us achieve things. Rome wasn’t built in a day just by having change in belief. People put efforts to build it. Perhaps some manifested as well. So make sure to do your part of money meditation.

we welcome you to join our money magnet challenge!! to strengthening your bond with money.

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How to become a millionaire by money meditation Tue, 07 Nov 2023 06:45:58 +0000 The post How to become a millionaire by money meditation appeared first on Money Meditation School.


This seems impossible, right? I mean, how exactly can one earn loads of money just by doing something as simple as meditation? But it’s more than that. In this blog you will know how to become a millionaire by money meditation.

Check this video to know – what is money meditation

Whatever we put our focus and attention on will grow

This is rightly said, as the moment we focus on something, we immediately start creating its blueprint in our heads. We plan how things will work and how much effort is required to commence it successfully. When we actively think about it, we start to manifest it, eventually leading to attracting it.

First, we dream, and then we achieve. What we visualize is what we realize.

With time, as we create visuals of certain things, our doubts get cleared, and the image of what we desire becomes clearer. We realize what we want, and we start putting efforts in the same way accordingly. Before we do anything, we usually plan it out in our head, for that’s the way things go. Sometimes they go the way we plan, and sometimes they don’t. But both ways, it needs to be visualized.

Why does visualization hold importance? Because it lets us know how much of our goal has been accomplished.

Take an example of a clock. While you’re studying, keeping track of time helps you know how much time you’ve studied or properly revised your material and can help you balance the rest of the schedule for the entire day. It’s the planning that helps the execution of tasks to be commenced successfully.

Coming back to what we were talking about, is it possible to become a millionaire just by meditating? How exactly is it possible? What are the things one is supposed to do to achieve this milestone? These are some of the questions that must be popping in your head, and that’s okay. These questions show how much you are invested in the topic and the efforts you wish to take, which is a good thing. A great mindset is what it takes to achieve even greater things. There are a lot of notions that cover this aspect. Let’s discuss them pointwise:

A positive mindset:

Everyone asks us to be positive. Saying to be positive is very easy, but applying that is rather difficult, especially when we are human beings made up of all sorts of thoughts, which is fine. The beauty of being a human is feeling all the emotions but at the same time having a positive approach towards things. The way we think about things, we manifest the same. If we are always sad and thinking about things that are not good for our mental health, we’ll find ourselves surrounded by the same. We’ll see negativity around us, which will keep us in a morose mood. But if we look at things from a positive mindset, a flow of good energy will be experienced in our body, which will be beneficial for both our body and mind.

“Great heroes are not born, they’re made”

is a sentence I abide by because it’s their mindset that makes them achieve what they have visualized.


Imagine you have dreamt of something, and you’re just dreaming about it. Is dreaming going to make you achieve what you’ve kept dreaming about? No, right? You have to put in hard work too. And one can only put hard work into realistic things. You cannot make goals like how to grow 40 feet tall overnight or how to become a god. Similarly, having realistic goals is important so that they are not overwhelming and are motivating at the same time. They act as something you look up to for working and become the source of happiness once you get used to them.


To start something, we must be aware of its core. Remember the time when you tried baking a cake? You learned everything about the cake and how it is made and the importance of all the ingredients. Similarly, when you are practicing money meditation, you must be aware of what exactly is money. Is it just something that brings a person happiness by materialism, or is it more than that? How much helpful can money be for a person if there’s no scarcity of it? How great would a person become if all their worries go away that were related to money, and now that they’re well off, they can help others too? These are all the things that come to a person’s mind while they educate themselves about money. It doesn’t make them a well-read person only, but also widens their perspective and thoughts, making them open to new opportunities.


Only money meditation is not enough. With great power comes great responsibilities. You need to plan the budgeting accordingly. You need to make sure that money feels respected around you. That you don’t abuse money in the guise of power and waste it. When you get an abundance of resources, you must know how to utilize them for the sake of yourself and the world. You don’t misuse it. You don’t waste it. It’s precious, and respecting it makes it come to you without any hindrance. We respect our guests and treat them with kindness, and that’s the reason they love to visit us again. If we would harshly treat them, would they want to come to meet us again? No. The same is with money.


Rome wasn’t built in a day. Great things don’t happen overnight. It takes bamboo shoots years to grow. It takes an athlete years of practice just to succeed in running for 9 seconds. Patience is the key to all these things. Meditating while keeping a mind calm and collected is the way to become a millionaire. It not only brings money in abundance your way but also brings peace, prosperity, happiness, well-being, and longevity.

Those who say that money can’t bring happiness never observe the smile of their family when they bring them something they like. It’s money that makes a person fulfill their dreams. Be it traveling to another country or buying your favorite car, money is the answer to everything. The scarcity of money leads to a stressful environment, which leads to many mental health issues. At the end of the day, we only want to spend our life with our loved ones, seeing them smile and doing things for them that make them elated. There’s nothing as beautiful as making your loved one feel joy because of you.

A lot of people who have never practiced money meditation must be wondering how it is possible to achieve all their dreams merely by meditating. All the efforts they put into their life just to have a beautiful life for themselves and their loved ones can be achieved just by performing money meditation. It’s true.

Our mind works how we want it to. If we constantly dwell upon something, our mind would fixate on it only. Meditation brings peace to us and is an exercise for our brain and soul. The moment we train them, we prepare them to achieve all the things we always wanted to achieve no matter how difficult. We have the power to manifest things. When we constantly think about something, we are attracted to it in one way or another. Similarly, thinking about money and practicing meditation is the way to bring money in abundance.

Even an animal can eat food and bring food for its family. What makes us different from them is our dreams and goals. Our ambitions make us stand out differently. The efforts we put in to achieve what we have created in our heads make us who we are.

This is your way to money meditation.

specially for you!!

Having money problems?

Hesitating to ask for your money back?

Struggling with money lately?

Afraid that you’re repelling money?

Don’t worry. We’re here for you. Money meditation is the answer to it. Try it out for yourself. You see all the blocked channels of money being open, and you’re surrounded by nothing but abundance.

we welcome you to our 21 days money meditation challenge!! to flow of money change in a good way and
prosperity comes to you.

To sum up everything, I’d like to say that we must always remember what we are capable of. There’s nothing a human being who is determined can’t achieve. Your determination and thirst to thrive make you different from others. It’s your will to grow that makes you a star. That makes you a money magnet.

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Unlocking the Power of Money Abundance: Transform Your Wealth Mindset Wed, 01 Nov 2023 18:43:31 +0000 The post Unlocking the Power of Money Abundance: Transform Your Wealth Mindset appeared first on Money Meditation School.



Welcome to our transformative journey toward financial abundance. In this blog post, we delve into the profound insights and practices from Day 2 of the Money Abundance Meditation program. Prepare to embark on a path of self-discovery, mindset shifts, and manifesting wealth. Get ready to unlock the power within and transform your relationship with money.

Check out this video to clear up your concerns about how to invite abundance in your life to achieve your financial goal

Understanding the Role of the Brain in Abundance

unlocking the power of brain by meditation with money meditation school

Our brains are powerful tools that play a crucial role in our pursuit of abundance. Discover why our brain’s primary function is to keep us safe and secure, and how this can impact our financial goals. Explore strategies to work harmoniously with your brain, aligning it with your desires for wealth and prosperity.

Overcoming Resistance for Financial Breakthroughs

unlocking money abundance by money meditation school

Resistance often holds us back from achieving our true potential. Explore the reasons behind the resistance and how it influences our financial journey. Learn effective techniques to break free from self-imposed limitations, step out of your comfort zone, and embrace new opportunities for growth and wealth.

Cultivating a Mindset of Abundance

a tree of money mms

Your mindset is the key to unlocking abundance. Dive deep into the core principles of cultivating a wealth mindset. Discover powerful exercises and practices to shift your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes toward abundance. Learn to attract wealth effortlessly by embracing a mindset of prosperity, gratitude, and limitless possibilities.

Uncovering Patterns and Making Gradual Shifts

Uncovering Patterns and Making Gradual Shifts by mms

Patterns shape our financial reality, often keeping us stuck in repetitive cycles. Engage in an eye-opening activity to uncover the patterns that have influenced your financial journey. Gain insights into how these patterns can be transformed through gradual shifts in your mindset, habits, and actions. Break free from limiting patterns and create a new path toward abundance.

Seizing the Moment: Taking Action for Financial Success

money meditation your key to success

Abundance awaits those who take action. Embrace the importance of being proactive in your pursuit of financial success. Learn to leverage the tools, techniques, and resources provided in the Money Abundance Meditation program. Take inspired action, follow through with the guided activities, and make the most of the transformative 24-session journey toward manifesting your financial dreams.


You have the power to unlock the abundant life you desire. Embrace the teachings and practices shared in the Money Abundance Meditation program. Shift your mindset, overcome resistance, and take intentional action to create a prosperous future. Start your journey towards financial abundance today and witness the transformative power it brings to your life. The time is now to unlock the unlimited potential within you.

The post Unlocking the Power of Money Abundance: Transform Your Wealth Mindset appeared first on Money Meditation School.
